Easy Tips For Preventing Vehicle Theft

car theft prevention measures

When it comes to keeping your belongings safe, there's, unfortunately, no way to completely ensure that your vehicle won't be stolen or broken into, but by following these easy steps, you can take to greatly reduce the likelihood of car theft. 

Tips You Should Know For Keeping Your Vehicle Safe:

car safety

  • Keep valuables out of sight- Leaving cash, credit cards, or even cell phone charger cables on the console of your car can encourage theft; as well as items throughout the vehicle, especially electronics or high-value items. Before leaving your car, make sure all belongings, especially money, are stored in the console, glove compartment, or trunk. Try to leave nothing in the open that may be valuable to someone else. 
  • Park in well-lit areas- At night, most thefts take place in areas where there are no street lights because burglars can go undetected in these areas. Try to find a place that is as close to buildings as possible and has adequate lighting. During the day, most anywhere is lit when the sun is shining, so it's also good to park in higher traffic areas where crime is deterred because of a large number of possible witnesses.
  • Pay attention to security cameras- Many businesses have security cameras located outside of their buildings that cover large areas of their parking lots. Try your best to park in one of these areas. People thinking of committing theft often pay attention to the areas where a camera could be recording so they avoid these areas. However, in the event that someone does burglarize your car, you will have footage, and hopefully a suspect lead.
  • Do not leave personal documents in your car- If your car ever is broken-into, it's very important not to have any irreplaceable items inside, especially documents like social security cards or other identification papers. This can lead to much greater problems and these documents can be difficult to replace. 

By following these simple guidelines, you can greatly reduce the risk of theft of your vehicle and keep your valuables safe.

For more details on car security, lock repair, car lock replacement, or lockout services, contact us today.


What Customers Say About Us

247 ASAP Locksmiths Testimonial
Mark G.
Crockett Blvd

The keys to my office went missing, just disappeared last night. I was so frustrated, besides for being embarrassed in front of my employees, I also didn’t want to lose money due to the delay. I called for a locksmith and Justin came over straight away, he suggested re-keying the lock, in case my keys were stolen, I thought this was a great idea, and that’s what we did, he then made new keys for me on the spot.

247 ASAP Locksmiths Testimonial
Tyler Goodman
Wilshire Blvd

My office is in Los Angeles and I often need to meet people. So the day my office door stopped to work, I was both sad and upset. My secretary called for me 247 ASAP Locksmiths and I was pleased from the fast job and professional education the guy from Locksmiths have. My work day was safe!

247 ASAP Locksmiths Testimonial
Sophia Tucker
98th Street

Unexpected situations are always embarrassing and upsetting… especially if you have no time at all! When I realized my garage door wasn’t working I nearly got a heart attack! After a few minutes, I got a great idea and I called 247 ASAP Locksmiths: the guys arrived on time and did an excellent job!