Professional Locksmiths Tips

old house security
5 years 4 months ago

Buying an old home means getting ready to handle several security issues with the locks and other safety devices. Here are a few top solutions we have for you

While old homes have their own charm and appeal that makes so...

best locks for you home
5 years 4 months ago

They say a door is only as good as its lock. If we are to look at the latest home burglary and property crime statistics, it is easy to confirm this popular saying. Close to 90 percent of all burglaries occur on residential...

kid locked in car
5 years 5 months ago

Accidental car lockouts are common occurrences in the lives of drivers. Here is what to do to prevent children from getting locked in a vehicle.

Accidental car lockouts happen more...

5 years 6 months ago

If you count among the people who constantly lose the keys to their cars, and you would like to do something about it, use these tips. 


5 years 6 months ago

An improperly secured garage could lead to a break-in or vandalism problems. Here are some clever tips to keep your garage safe 24/7. 


5 years 6 months ago

Find out the latest statistics on car theft and learn what are the smartest car safety measures to keep your vehicle safe 24/7. 

If you live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or Anchorage, Alaska, you should probably call your...

5 years 7 months ago

Magnetic key locks have good anti-pick features and offer excellent key control

Electromagnetic locks with magnetic keys are locking devices that consist of an armature plate and an electromagnet and they can be fail-safe...

5 years 7 months ago

Motion sensor lights are not only excellent deterrents for burglars, but they can also give you more peace of mind at night.

You're coming home after a tiring business trip and a long flight. The taxi drops you off into...

5 years 7 months ago

Learn about biometric locking systems and the way they could change the way we control access to our homes. 

A number of industries have started to rely on biometric security solutions during recent years. The reason is...

ideas for home security
6 years 5 days ago

To the untrained, or unknowing eye, keeping burglars and thieves out of your home can seem uncomplicated. Lock your doors, set your alarms, and keep your loud, large dog nearby. Well, if theft and burglar prevention were that easy to take...


What Customers Say About Us

247 ASAP Locksmiths Testimonial
Mark G.
Crockett Blvd

The keys to my office went missing, just disappeared last night. I was so frustrated, besides for being embarrassed in front of my employees, I also didn’t want to lose money due to the delay. I called for a locksmith and Justin came over straight away, he suggested re-keying the lock, in case my keys were stolen, I thought this was a great idea, and that’s what we did, he then made new keys for me on the spot.

247 ASAP Locksmiths Testimonial
Tyler Goodman
Wilshire Blvd

My office is in Los Angeles and I often need to meet people. So the day my office door stopped to work, I was both sad and upset. My secretary called for me 247 ASAP Locksmiths and I was pleased from the fast job and professional education the guy from Locksmiths have. My work day was safe!

247 ASAP Locksmiths Testimonial
Sophia Tucker
98th Street

Unexpected situations are always embarrassing and upsetting… especially if you have no time at all! When I realized my garage door wasn’t working I nearly got a heart attack! After a few minutes, I got a great idea and I called 247 ASAP Locksmiths: the guys arrived on time and did an excellent job!